Aktuelle News & Schlagzeilen

Kowalsky meg a Vega on tour with Chauvet fixtures

Kowalsky meg a Vega on tour with Chauvet fixtures
Kowalsky meg a Vega on tour with Chauvet fixtures

Gergo Kovács designed the lightshow for Hungarian band Kowalsky meg a Vega’s latest tour, utilizing a rig made up entirely of Chauvet Professional fixtures, supplied by Mobil Audio and Light Kft.


Kovács mixed light and shadows to connect audiences to the spirt of the band’s performance. Central to the execution of this lighting concept were his rig’s 10 Maverick MK2 Spot, 24 Colordash Par-Hex 12 and four Strike 4 fixtures, all of which were controlled by a ChamSys MagicQ MQ80 console.


Hung on two rows of mid-stage truss, with four units on one row and six on the other, the Maverick MK2 Spot fixtures played a variety of roles in Kovács’ design, being used for downlighting, specials and audience lighting.


Complementing the Maverick fixtures with an extended array of colored stage wash effects were the rig’s Colordash Par-Hex 12 fixtures, positioned from above stage trussing towards the front of the stage.




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