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Shlomo Artzi on tour with Robe fixtures
Israeli singer Shlomo Artzi’s recent shows hit the road with an ongoing lighting design by Gadi Spivak who has worked for the artist for over twenty years. Spivak and his lighting associate Shlomit Lola Nehama chose to use 24 x Robe Spiider LED wash beams for a key element of his lighting rig.
The 24 fixtures were all hung on a semi-circular truss just downstage of a large 6 mm pitch video screen, which is usually around 16 metres wide and 5 metres tall and is also in a gentle arc shape.
The overall look of the show is ‘televisual’, with the screen, video content and IMAG mix prominent and present throughout the set. The Spiiders are used for washing the mid-stage area in front, where the band are positioned and for back lighting them and Shlomo Artzi. There is no setlist, and Gadi Spivak operates his GrandMA2 console completely ‘live’ each night, and the video department also follow this MO.
Spivak has used Robe in his work for some time. The LEDWash 600 was the first Robe fixture that caught his eye, so when the Spiider was launched he started using that regularly as well. There were also two Robe MegaPointes on the front truss for key lighting Artzi.
The lighting equipment for the tour was supplied by Simul. The playback video was operated by Oren Gabay and the live camera director was Yaron Shilon.
(Photos: Louise Stickland)
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