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Chauvet fixtures installed at Mountview’s new theatre
For recent productions of the plays “My Favorite Year” and “Children of Eden” at Mountview’s new theatre in London, Nic Farman used a collection of Chauvet Professional Ovation fixtures supplied by White Light, which are part of the theatre’s new lighting rig.
In both cases, the use of color was front and center in Farman’s design strategy. “I’m a big fan of using a rich color palette,” he says. “The rig I had in Mountview’s new theatre allowed me to play with everything from deep saturates to subtle pastels for both shows. Farman used eight Ovation B-2805FC fixtures and two Ovation B-1965FC units to wash the cyc, both from the top and the bottom.
Farman had to transform the theatre space into two very different productions in a short period of time, and with an essentially fixed rig. He credits his team Antony, the Production LX and Follow Spot Operators Alice, David, Emma and Issac as well as the Mountview staff with helping to make it happen.
(Photos: Craig Fuller/Robin Savage)
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