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Essex Sound equips church with VUE AL-4 subcompact line array

Essex Sound equips church with VUE AL-4 subcompact line array
Essex Sound equips church with VUE AL-4 subcompact line array

Co-lead pastor Justin Hoeppner had been planning an audio system upgrade for New Community Church in Vista, California, for almost twoyears. The church seats about 600 with the aid of a balcony that extends out over half of the lower level.


“Our old system was tired, rundown and cranky. It had virtually no high frequency response which gave us a muddy mid-range,” says Hoeppner. New Community was founded in 1926 and their current building is more than 25 years old. They decided it was time for an upgrade.


After connecting with VUE partners Essex Sound and designing a system to cater to their building’s needs, the AL-4 line array was installed. To accommodate the shape of the auditorium, 120 degree wide dispersion horns were used to ensure proper coverage.


Two AL-4 arrays (eight elements per side) were suspended and wired in stereo by request. Two AS-215 subwoofers fill out the low-end. VUEpoint Beam Forming allowed the system to be aimed to cover the balcony and lower seating area, while attenuating hot spots.




Essex Sound equips church with VUE AL-4 subcompact line arrayEssex Sound equips church with VUE AL-4 subcompact line array

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