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Green Hippo media servers in action at Nature One Festival
More than 50,000 EDM fans descended on a former NATO missile base in August 2019 to experience the Nature One Festival. Germany-based Gerdon Design specified two Green Hippo Boreal+ media servers for the main floor, to power live IMAG feeds, Notch effects and pre-made content.
Gerdon Design has been involved with Nature One since 2011, responsible for the stage, lighting and video design as well as creating the concept, audio and visual design for the timecoded highlights show.
“We were responsible for the content playback of all acts - except for those who were travelling with a VJ,” explains Gerdon Design’s Marek Papke. “We organized all of the custom content and the DJ-specific content before the show and used a GrandMA3 FullSize to sort and program all the content for later playback.”
In addition to the two main floor Boreal+ servers as main/backup, Papke and his team specified a third Boreal+ to manage a Barco S3 Switcher and to generate further Notch effects for IMAG.
The main stage boasted a large screen behind the DJs, measuring 12 m x 10 m, at 10 mm pixel pitch. This was the centrepiece of four banner screens and custom-made pyramids which formed the stage, created by Gerdon Design.
(Photos: Kenny Tran)
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