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Chauvet fixtures used at launch of BMW Mini dealership

Chauvet fixtures used at launch of BMW Mini dealership
Chauvet fixtures used at launch of BMW Mini dealership

When the new BMW Mini Dejonckheere opened its doors, it called on Belgian design firm Présence to help it treat customers to an event that included an EDM afterparty. Along with enjoying the evening’s festivities, the 1,700 guests in attendance saw the permanent features of the showroom itself, which like the party, were accented by a lighting design.


Created by Présence, working with designer Dieter Ducoulombier and project manager Ozzy Vandevoorde from its technical partner Solico, the lighting design was anchored by a collection of Chauvet Professional Well Fit, Rogue and Épix fixtures.


The Well Fit uplighting fixture was a key part of the lighting design. Approximately 300 of the battery-powered RGBA fixtures were positioned at points throughout the showroom, at a see-though party tent, and on the patio roof, where they uplighted concrete pillars.


The 12 Rogue RH1 Hybrid fixtures were positioned in the facility’s outdoor domes. Pointed upward, they created aerial effects, their columns of light forming a “corridor” that led up to the reception tent.


In the Boiler Room, where the afterparty took place, 24 Rogue R1 Spot and 24 Rogue R2 Wash fixtures, as well as four risers outlined with Épix Strip IP units were deployed.





Chauvet fixtures used at launch of BMW Mini dealershipChauvet fixtures used at launch of BMW Mini dealership

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