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Chauvet fixtures installed at FishHawk Fellowship Church
FishHawk Fellowship Church, located in Lithia, Florida, has seen a steady influx of new members over the last fifteen years, growing from an average of 158 weekly attendees to 2,000-plus.
FishHawk’s newest facility does “double duty” when not hosting religious services by serving as a community center/gymnasium. The church contacted Morris Integration for help in designing a flexible space. Morris came up with a room concept that excels as both a worship and recreational area.
The lighting system features Chauvet Professional fixtures. The Morris team specified 18 Ovation E-260WW fixtures for front lights, complemented by 26 Rogue fixtures. The 20 Rogue R1 Wash and six Rogue R3 Spot fixtures were hung over the stage and placed on the platform to add color and depth to the stage and video shots.
“We also included an Amhaze unit for the church to create beam effects on stage, plus it adds an additional element of creativity for the lighting designer,” says Wade Russell, Morris Integration’s assistant general manager.
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