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LightingEurope publishes guidelines on energy labelling database EPREL

To help companies efficiently comply with their new reporting obligations on the European Product Database for Energy Labelling (EPREL), LightingEurope has published guidelines and information templates for its members that provide details on the products affected and the parameters that need to be reported.


Since 1st January 2019, all lighting products in the scope of the Energy Labelling Regulation for lighting products (EC Reg. 874/2012) must be registered in EPREL before they are placed on the European market. By end of June 2019, EPREL must also include information on all labelled products that were placed on the EU market since 1st August 2017.


“The LightingEurope guidelines set out our understanding of how the EPREL rules apply to lighting products. They provide our members all the information they need to register a product, from the specific legislative requirements for lighting products to the technical ICT issues they must deal with when they are in front of their PC uploading content onto EPREL,” says Ourania Georgoutsakou, Secretary General of LightingEurope.


The guidelines on EPREL are directly available to LightingEurope’s corporate members and national lighting association members. Lighting companies can contact their national lighting association for details.



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