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ChamSys console chosen for Maribou State tour

ChamSys console chosen for Maribou State tour

Lighting designer Simon Horn, the owner of Purple Lighting, used his ChamSys Stadium MagicQ MQ500 console on electronic music duo Maribou State’s “Kingdoms in Colour” UK tour. Horn relied heavily on the console’s Group Based Effects feature to create a fluid sense of motion without having his fixtures themselves actually move.


“I used the Group Based Effects often to adjust the way different effects were applied,” he explains. “The group based pixel map effects were great fun too, as they helped me apply multiple effects over each other. There was a lot of pixel mapping in this design, so I depended on all of the ChamSys Pixel Mapping features, both the main pixel mapper and the group grid based pixel map.”


Perhaps Horn’s biggest challenge was to integrate video content so it could work together and cross fade between the visuals and the lighting. “I didn’t want the contrast of light and dark to be compromised by having a white canvas in place all the time, and there wasn’t the budget for an LED screen offering transparency, so I elected to project onto a dark sharkstooth,” he says.


“Directly behind the sharkstooth I had six towers with LED washes and linear blinders. On the first two numbers, I held back from using them,” he continues. “Then on the third song, they came into play as a surprise for the audience.”


Although the vast majority of the show was timecoded, Horn had some “adlib moments” at the end of sections, using MagicQ’s controllable audio trigger functions. With no production rehearsal and no previous experience with the band, Horn “hit the ground running” for his roughly 1000-cue show.


“I’m grateful to Keely Myres of Global Touring Office for bringing the opportunity to me, as well as Lite Up Events for the equipment, and Ben Cullen Williams for the content,” he concludes.




ChamSys console chosen for Maribou State tourChamSys console chosen for Maribou State tour

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