Aktuelle News & Schlagzeilen

Chauvet fixtures for Printemps des Vins de Blaye

Chauvet fixtures for Printemps des Vins de Blaye
Chauvet fixtures for Printemps des Vins de Blaye

Contributing to this year’s Printemps des Vins de Blaye festival - a wine-lover’s event located north of Bordeaux, France - was the light from Chauvet Professional Rogue R3 Spot fixtures, supplied and installed by Societe ALS (Animation Loisirs Sonorisation).


The company, which has been lighting the festival for the past three years, decided to use its recently acquired Rogue units to add color to the stage, dancefloor and surrounding grounds.


“We were able to use four Rogue R3 units and a few LED pars,” says Vincent Aubuchou, manager of ALS. “Two of the fixtures were positioned on the back of the stage on truss totems. We kept a clear focus on the beams of these fixtures, so we could get even coverage across a large stage space in the colors of the festival.”


The ALS team also positioned two Rogue R3 units on upstage truss totems to serve as front stage lighting. Together, the four 300 W LED fixtures illuminated the festival’s entertainment center with their colors, customized gobos, and 3-facet prisms. The Rogues also did double duty as “disco lights” in the evening, working with eight LED par fixtures to create a panorama on the dancefloor.




Chauvet fixtures for Printemps des Vins de BlayeChauvet fixtures for Printemps des Vins de Blaye

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