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Chauvet fixtures installed at The Muny

Chauvet fixtures installed at The Muny
Chauvet fixtures installed at The Muny

St. Louis Municipal Opera Theatre’s (“The Muny”) new LED lighting system features over 700 Chauvet Professional fixtures supplied and installed by Bandit Lites. In addition to the IP rated LED lighting, the new stage system includes one turntable, three tracks, five lifts for moving sets and actors, LED screens, and a protected orchestra pit.


Rob Denton, Lighting Designer at the 11,000-seat venue, was instrumental in the lighting upgrade and worked with Bandit Lites on its execution. He notes that the theater’s main goal was to create an LED rig that would be more flexible and energy efficient. “The new rig allows us to have a wider breath of looks than before, and the ability to unify our lighting with the Chauvet Professional F4 IP LED video walls,” he says.


Playing a key role in the new lighting rig are its 310 Ovation E-910FC IP color-mixing indoor/outdoor ellipsoidal units, 130 Ovation E-260WW IP warm white fixtures, and 205 Colorado 3 Solo pieces. Many of these fixtures are hung on a 183-foot span that runs over the downstage deck. From this position they provide front light, texture across the stage, and scenic element lighting.


Additionally, the Ovation fixtures along with a small number of the Colorado 3 units are positioned in a variety of side positions for cross lighting and template coverage. Ovation E-260WW and Colorado 3 Solo units are also flown on truss over the video wall and are used for downstage and full stage back lighting.


The backwall structure of the stage is uplit with 22 Colorado Solo Batten fixture, while Colorado 3 Solo  units provide downlighting. Adding another new dimension to The Muny stage are the massive back video wall and two side walls that are made with 238 F4 LED panels.


(Photos: Philip Hamer)




Chauvet fixtures installed at The MunyChauvet fixtures installed at The Muny

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