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Corona: Events United and Chauvet enhance Central Church Easter services for streaming

Corona: Events United and Chauvet enhance Central Church Easter services for streaming
Corona: Events United and Chauvet enhance Central Church Easter services for streaming

Out of concern for the well-being of worshippers in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, Executive Pastor Josh Parker and his team at Augusta, Maine-based Central Church closed their building to the public and began livestreaming their Saturday evening and Sunday services, including a special production at Easter.


“During Easter we always look for creative ways to reach more people by expanding production,” says Pastor Parker. “Once it became clear we would not be able to hold our usual Easter services, we started searching for innovative ways to improve our online production level.” As Tim Messina and his team from Events United provided an online recording option for churches and events at their space in Studio Lab, “it became clear to us that this was our Easter service solution,” he continues.


On March 29, Pastor Parker, along with a group of associate pastors and musicians, took to the Virtual Event Stage set up at the Events United Studio Lab to record a special service that was shared on Facebook and YouTube on Easter Sunday. “The majority of our services, including the worship and sermon, were recorded at their studio,” he says. “We also incorporated some additional pre-produced welcome, invitation, and music videos that were done in-house, but the impactful moments were created at Events United.”


Events United’s collection of over 100 Chauvet Professional fixtures included Maverick MK2 Spot, Ovation ellipsoidals, and Ovation Cyc 1 FC units as well as F2 video panels. Positioned on eight vertical uprights located four apiece on each side of the stage as well as on two overhead rows of truss, the fixtures enveloped the stage in light for the more intense moments of the service, while also providing specials for individual performers and soft washes for more reflective periods. “We have been using variations of this rig for videoing church services since the pandemic started. In this case, we added four Strike 4s,” says Jon Martell, Production Design Manager at Events United.




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