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Corona: Events United lights $105,000 Humane Society fundraiser with Chauvet
Soon after the Covid-19 lockdown went into effect, Events United owner Tim Messina and his team began transforming Studio Lab (their shared space production facility) into a livestream studio to produce events.
In the weeks following the initial lockdown, Studio Lab has gone on to fill a variety of roles in the community, including that of a fundraising tool. A variety of charitable groups have raised much-needed money during the pandemic by holding online benefit auctions at the Studio Lab facility.
The latest of these is the Humane Society for Greater Nashua, which raised $105,000 in June through an auction livestreamed and produced by the Events United team at Studio Lab. Running slightly over one hour on Facebook and YouTube, the program featured musical entertainment and appearances by adoptable animals in addition to the auction.
Pulling the diverse elements of the program together and providing camera-friendly visuals was a collection of Chauvet Professional Maverick, Colorado and Strike fixtures, as well as 60 F2 Video panels.
“It’s been a learning experience doing these events,” says Jon Martell, Production Design Manager at Events United, who worked closely with Event Producer Donald Van Slyke and Lighting Designer Ryan Lane on the show. “We have to ensure that we convey the charity’s branding message and at the same time keep the show engaging for livestream viewers so they watch longer, which makes the fundraising more successful.”
Using the video wall as an engagement tool was key to helping the design team meet this goal. The three-panel high by 20-panel wide wall, which was built on an F-Series ground support system, occupied a prominent upstage space along the middle of the 32’ wide by 20’ deep stage.
Dramatic changes in lighting, whether it was blasts from the four Strike 4 units in the rig, or color shifts from the six Colorado Solo Batten and six Colorado Cyc fixtures, also played a role in conveying emotion and excitement during the show.
Also adding color and depth to the stage were the rig’s 24 Maverick MK2 Spot fixtures. Positioned 10 upstage, 10 midstage, and four downstage, the 440 W moving LED fixtures were used to create specials at pivotal moments, highlight different areas of the stage for presentations. They were also used to create a sense of depth with patterns from their two rotating gobo wheels.
“The depth of our design, along with the work of our audio engineer Chase Clark, and graphics operator Benjamin Davis, plus camera ops Dustin Davis, Martin Lyons, and Kevin Smith made this a success,” says Martell. Doug Barry, President and CEO of the Humane Society for Greater Nashua, called Events United’s production of the auction “the best event I have experienced in all of my years in non-profit management.”
(Photos: Lauren Thomason)
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