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Corona: Luxe Productions equips movie trucks with Chauvet
While some members of the entertainment lighting industry have busied themselves with drive-in shows during the Covid-19 lockdown, Jordan Chance - owner of the live event company Luxe Productions - is following what can best be described as a “drive-to” approach to reaching new customers.
With his company’s box trucks idle because of the prohibition on the indoor events that were once the mainstay of his business, Chance converted three of these vehicles into movie screens on wheels. The trucks are rented out to clients who want hold safe, socially-distant compliant events that involve film showings.
The idea for these “Movie Truck Nights” started when Chance’s partner brought a truck home to use as a screen for a community movie showing for his family and some neighbors to enjoy as they sheltered in place. “There was such a positive response from the neighbors that we thought we might have something here,” recalls Chance. “So, we started to post about it on social media - and the rest is history.”
To add ambience to their Movie Truck Nights, Chance and his team pack a case on nine Chauvet DJ Freedom Par Hex 4 fixtures every time they head out to do a show. The RGBAW+UV units are used to uplight trees, buildings and scenic elements around the temporary movie venues.
The movies shown at the mobile events are selected and supplied by the client. Luxe Productions charges clients a flat fee for the rental of the truck and equipment. Many of the clients are neighborhood associations that divide the payment of the fee among members. As for the box trucks themselves, being white and measuring 16 by 9 feet, they make “perfect outdoor movie screens,” according to Chance. “We just shoot one of our projectors against the side and set up speakers for audio,” he says.
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