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Corona: Showtime Sound creates virtual beach vibe with Chauvet

Corona: Showtime Sound creates virtual beach vibe with Chauvet
Corona: Showtime Sound creates virtual beach vibe with Chauvet

The weather in eastern Maryland never got much past 70 degrees on Saturday May 23, 2020, but the vibe in the improvised studio at Showtime Sound’s warehouse in Baltimore was decidedly tropical. Aaron Kovelman, the company’s Director of Design and Production, saw to that by creating colorful, beach-like visuals for its one-hour Virtual Island Festival featuring Jah Works.


Helping Kovelman create this look for the show, which was streamed on Facebook, was a collection of Chauvet Professional Maverick MK3 Profile and Rogue R2 Wash fixtures from Showtime’s own inventory. Kovelman positioned 13 Maverick MK3 Profile units on the 40’ by 40’ stage, six hung on upstage truss and seven flown down stage.


“The upstage Profiles did most of my stage texturing through gobos and prisms,” he says. “I knew aerial beams wouldn't be much of a heavy-hitter with the camera angles, so I wanted to do as much texture within the band performance space as possible.”


For key lighting, Kovelman relied primarily on his downstage Maverick MK3 Profiles, while six Rogue R2 Wash fixtures were hung on upstage truss for band washes. Blending colorful washes with immersive video content, he was able to evoke the desired imagery.


“Most of the decision making on colors were driven from the video clips I selected,” says Kovelman. “We had lots of video content, which drove the variation of looks throughout the show.”




Corona: Showtime Sound creates virtual beach vibe with ChauvetCorona: Showtime Sound creates virtual beach vibe with Chauvet

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