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Mika - ‘Revelation’ Tour (2019/2020)

Lighting designer for singer/song writer Mika’s ‘Revelation’ tour - which started in the fall of 2019 and went on until it had to be postponed this spring due to the coronavirus crisis - is Vince Foster who used plenty of floor lighting and significant numbers of side fixtures and trusses for these shows.


Alongside around thirty Ayrton Magic Blade-FX fixtures were approximately one hundred and twenty of one of Ayrton’s newest moving heads, Khamsin-S. “Every moving light is a Khamsin,” says Foster about his design. “The Khamsin-S are everywhere on the rig: the floor, the side hangs, the ‘B’ thrust stage and on both the stage trusses and the one downstage of the B stage. The rig was designed with input from both Mika and his sister Yasmine. We wanted an unfussy but solid music hall look to allow the audience to focus on Mika himself. The brief was essentially to create something of a ‘Baron Munchausen’ feel, a slightly tongue-in-cheek, comedic atmosphere.” This was the first time that Foster had used an LED light as his primary workhorse.


With no video on this show (the stage uses raked rainbow coloured stripes to allude to the new album cover) the lighting was very much central to establishing the visual ambience of the set. Foster used the Khamsin-S colour palette to full effect with the set list based on rainbow colours.


“Mika spends a lot of time out on the B stage so we light him essentially in 360° and can use the Khamsins as back key lighting with support from followspots,” explains Foster. “I also use a single Khamsin as a big back light with a rotating gobo at the upstage vanishing point for his first entrance, and another under a grill at the top of the ramp to light him from beneath.”  Alongside the Khamsin-S fixtures on the rig were nearly thirty of Ayrton’s Magic Blades-FX. “I have ten up on the mid truss, eight on the floor and nine out on the B stage,” concludes the LD.


Setlist (Forum Theatre, Melbourne, Australia - February 2020)

Ice Cream
Dear Jealousy
Relax, Take It Easy
Origin Of Love
Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)
Tiny Love
Platform Ballerinas
Popular Song
Happy Ending
Love Today
We Are Golden

Grace Kelly
Tiny Love/Stay High


Pictured: Mika rehearsing at Production Park Studios on a set built by Brilliant, under Vince Foster’s lighting. (Photos: Sarah Womack/Brilliant)




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