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Corona: Zero 88 console used for Covid-compliant live musical production
“Fanny & Stella”, the first socially distanced and fully Covid-compliant live musical production of post-pandemic England 2020, was staged in a specially renovated garden space at The Eagle pub in Vauxhall, London.
Based on the book and lyrics by Glenn Chandler (creator of TV series “Taggart”), the show was directed by Steven Dexter and produced by Peter Bull and Richard Lambert of Lambco Productions. Lambert also designed and operated the lighting using his Zero 88 FLX S24 console.
The 40-capacity audience sat under cover around tables that were re-arranged each performance to accommodate guests in their relevant social bubbles as identified in the online booking system, while the stage was in the open air.
Richard Lambert specified front lighting only to attain the truly ENSA (Entertainment National Service Association - nicknamed back in the 1940s as “Every Night Something Awful”) style of ‘pop-up’ theatre aesthetic desired by the director to set the scene for the piece, which is set in 1871.
With a 6 p.m. and an 8.30 p.m. performance most days, lighting still made a subtle impact even on the earlier shows, especially on cloudy days, while for the later ones, the stage lighting combined with natural light as dusk fell.
The main lighting fixtures were six GLP X4 Atom 30 W full colour LED luminaires rigged on scaff bars above the audience area alongside some outdoor birdies. A Zero 88 portable Betapack provided dimming for the garden spots. Additionally, Lambert scattered P-light strings around the garden in the bushes and foliage to augment the general ambience.
The cast stayed distanced whilst onstage, while the audience had temperatures measured on arrival and scanned a QR code to register for track-and-trace before entering the pub where they were taken to their allotted places and received table service for food and drinks.
(Photos: Richard Lambert)
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