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Absen sets new standards for sustainability
Absen has launched a new green initiative, Absen Green, which marks the first time Absen has brought together its environmental efforts under one brand and signals a major statement of intent in the company’s 20th-anniversary year.
Among the planet-first measures announced under the Absen Green banner are the use of only sustainable, environmentally friendly materials, rigorous safety standards to prevent damage to the natural world, and an energy efficiency programme which has saved 700,000 tons of CO2 over the last five years and made Absen a carbon-neutral business.
Energy saving is achieved by a combination of four technological innovations. LED common cathode technology reduces energy consumption and heat output by more than 20%, while the use of a high-efficiency power supply offers energy conversion efficiency of close to 90% (compared to 75%-85% for products using traditional power supplies). LED lamps with high luminous efficiency further bring down energy consumption, and a comprehensive heat-dissipation design reduce the power consumption of the displays’ internal circuits.
The high environmental standards similarly apply to the manufacturing stage, with Absen using only eco-friendly raw materials - all of which comply with the European Union’s RoHS 2.0 directive restricting the use of hazardous substances - and ensuring all its products meet EU waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) regulations, which promote the reuse, recovery and recycling of waste by-products. On average, these products have a reuse/recycling rate 25% higher than their non-WEEE-certified equivalents.
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