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D&B Audiotechnik updates Soundscape system

D&B Audiotechnik updates Soundscape system

German audio technology and solutions company D&B Audiotechnik announces new advanced features for their Soundscape immersive audio system.


“The features increase the predictability and flexibility of Soundscape, and also the ease of implementation from small theatre productions to large, complex applications”, says Georg Stummer, Product Manager, D&B Audiotechnik. The latest feature update includes significant developments for the En-Scene and En-Space tools.


The En-Scene software module is an object-based positioning tool for the 64 audio inputs on the DS100 Signal engine. The sound object routing control brings individual level adjustment and mute for each sound object within each section (Function Group) of a loudspeaker system, such as mains, front fill, outfill. Sound object routing ensures that a sound designer or mixer has control over the imaging and sound object performance as they relate to each Function Group in a distributed or immersive system.


In addition to sound object routing, the update delivers two new function group modes for En-Scene. The new function group modes - “Delay line embedded” and “Outfill embedded” - support advanced 360° loudspeaker configurations.


With this update, En-Space now fully supports delay lines delivering room emulation on all loudspeaker function groups in a Soundscape loudspeaker system. The impulse response (IR) assignment has also been optimized for the simultaneous use of multiple instances of the same function group mode within one loudspeaker system.


(Photo: D&B Audiotechnik)




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