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Vero launches immersive virtual production studio

Vero launches immersive virtual production studio
Vero launches immersive virtual production studio

The new virtual production solution Vero is now fully operational in the UK, offering LED surround screen backdrop, realtime graphics and in-sync camera tracking.


The project brings together content, technology and operations talent from multiple companies, who have joined forces to enable creatives and filmmakers more on-set visual control.


Vero features Desay 2.6 mm pixel density LED screen technology from Production AV and visual content by MadeWithVero. The solution can be deployed across the UK as needed by the production. Vero enables directors to see the visual backdrop in real-time during filming on set, with the graphics engine tracking technology meaning the action is always realistic and moves with the subject.


“Despite the lockdowns, we have been able to deliver projects due for TV broadcast in the spring, as well as advertising work for a global car brand. The Vero solution has enabled completion on projects that would otherwise still be on hold”, says 3D animation and motion graphics expert Robert Tyler, from MadeWithVero. The team is pooling talent from across the South West to achieve its goals, and is offering the Vero studio for hire, kit supply and for live events.


Production AV MD Pete McCrea comments: “We invested heavily in Desay X2i 2.6 mm LED Screen Panels to create the Vero studio background. We have more than 500 of these modular tiles fitted together to envelop the space and provide a clear and consistent, wraparound backdrop for filming. We also have a proven 10 bit workflow and the ability to deliver HDR content to the screens.”


(Photos: Jolanta Valeniece/VERO)




Vero launches immersive virtual production studioVero launches immersive virtual production studio

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