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Opera Wroclawska upgrades with Yamaha’s Rivage PM7

In 2020, Poland’s Opera Wroclawska embraced live streaming due to the pandemic, but it was presented with two key problems: Firstly, of 300 staff, the venue’s sound department comprised just three people - Grzegorz Bienko, Sebastian Jarus and Jakub Krzysiek - who had no experience of streaming productions.


Secondly, the mixing capacity was three Yamaha DM2000 mixing consoles, which were not ideal for adapting to streamed shows. To make things even more difficult, the production - an orchestral version of Stanislaw Moniuszko’s opera “Straszny dwór (The Haunted Manor)” - was arranged in a 360º circle.


Bienko, Jarus and Krzysiek filled the six expansion slots of each DM2000 with Yamaha mini-YGDAI cards, which allowed them to network the consoles via Dante, routing the signals to the opera house’s studio where the live mix took place. The basic feed for the live mix comprised more than 100 channels.


“The Haunted Manor” proved a great success for Opera Wroclaw, but it was obvious that improvements were needed, to simplify the audio setup and deliver better quality sound to the online audience. So Wroclaw-based PogoArt - whose team has worked with the opera house on many productions, especially large-scale outdoor events - supplied a Yamaha Rivage PM7 digital mixing system for the following production, Puccini’s “La Bohème”.


“Considering the technical challenges, the audio team delivered a remarkable production of ‘The Haunted Manor’ with the three Yamaha DM2000s. But, in comparison, what the Rivage PM7 system delivered has been absolutely fantastic”, states PogoArt owner Slawek Pogorzala.


(Photos: Michal Pietrzak)




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