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Martin Audio WPM fills Linz State Theater’s outdoor summer series with sound

Martin Audio WPM fills Linz State Theater’s outdoor summer series with sound
Martin Audio WPM fills Linz State Theater’s outdoor summer series with sound

For the first time, Linz State Theater (Landestheater Linz) moved outside in order to beat COVID restrictions for its summer series of opera/operettas, dance, plays and galas. The Schlosspark at Linz Castle provided an alternative setting for the month-long programme in the Austrian city.


With trees and the Castle itself providing the backdrop, rental company (and Martin Audio partner) Z-VT fielded a large proportion of its Wavefront Precision scalable line array inventory. The entire staging infrastructure needed to be built from the ground up and recognising that the audience area was much wider than it was deep, Z-VT populated the stage with three hangs of 12 Martin Audio WPM Mini array elements, supported with subs and infills, all driven in one-box resolution from a total of six Martin Audio iKon iK81 amplifiers.


Martin Audio’s Austrian distributor, K24 Technik, supported the event. “Z-VT considered three hangs of WPM to offer the optimum solution”, says K24’s Johannes Stummer. “We wanted 12 cells vertically in each hang for efficiency, using the Hard Avoid feature in the Display optimisation software to contain the sound within the audience area and avoid spillage into the neighbouring areas.” Social distancing applied, with each pair of seats divided by tables from the next pair, enabling a capacity audience of 630 to enjoy the diverse programme.


(Photos: Klaus Lehner, D500)




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