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Chauvet fixtures illuminate Matchroom’s US Open 9-Ball Pool Championship
Mike Cristella, owner of Live Wire Productions, was at Harrah’s Resort this October to light Matchroom’s US Open 9-Ball Pool Championship, the world’s most prestigious pool tournament, which was televised on the Sky Sport, DAZN and A&E networks.
Cristella and his team (Andy DiAngelis, Jeff Gallagher, Dan Ryan, Andrew Driscoll, Rob Zauck, and Janice Brittin) created a supportive environment for the players and evoked classic poolhall images for the TV viewers. Helping them accomplish this feat was a 4Wall Entertainment supplied rig that featured Chauvet Professional Colorado 2 Solo and Strike Array 2 fixtures.
The Live Wire Productions team relied on ultra-diffused sources of light directly above the broadcast site to illuminate players and their table. They also used Fresnels to create some structure around the table, being careful to avoid shadows. For wide out shots when the broadcast transitioned from segment to segment, the team used nineteen Strike Array 2 fixtures, positioned around the perimeter of the rig to create the background visuals.
Cristella elected to saturate the room in a deep Congo blue throughout the event because it contrasted starkly with the 6000 K of the white pool table lights. Helping Cristella create his color-scape were the rig’s 64 Colorado 2 Solo fixtures. The 40-watt RGBW washes also uplit the room’s perimeter truss structures. Cristella observed that “letting the Congo blue do the heavy lifting” created a neon-like glow that made the huge ballroom “feel like a local pool hall”.
(Photos: Chauvet Professional/Matchroom/Takaimages)
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