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Ethan Weber turns to Ayrton Domino for John Mayer tour

Ethan Weber turns to Ayrton Domino for John Mayer tour

Lighting designer and director Ethan Weber chose a large complement of Ayrton Domino luminaires for John Mayer’s “Sob Rock Tour 2022” in support of his eighth studio album of the same name. The 23-stop arena tour kicked off in March in Las Vegas and wrapped in Boston in May. The North American schedule featured multi-day concerts in six cities.


Weber, perhaps best known for his work with The Rolling Stones, obtained the Ayrton Domino fixtures from Upstaging in Sycamore, Illinois, the lighting vendor for the “Sob Rock Tour”. Weber explains that Sam Pattinson/Treatment Studio designed John Mayer’s set with a slat roof and two angled upstage/stage left videowalls.


“Video plays a large part in the show, so my goal was to light John, the band and fill the space without encroaching on the screens”, he says. “I wanted some lights to shine through the slat roof. The lights would need to trim at close to fifty feet.” Weber spread out 32 Domino units on four trusses about ten feet above the roof. “I was hoping they would help light the upstage band members, but also found, when zoomed out, that they lit the roof nicely and, when tightened up, we got some very nice shafts of light coming through.”


Although the tour was in arenas where the Dominos’ IP65 rating didn’t come into play, Weber says, “I feel very strongly that lights should be built to work outdoors: I’ve spent far too much time over the years covering lights after late-night programming sessions and have lost far too many lights in rainy shows.” He reports that he “really enjoyed using the Dominos” for Mayer’s tour. “We only had two failures in four-and-a-half months.”


(Photos: Ayrton)





Ethan Weber turns to Ayrton Domino for John Mayer tourEthan Weber turns to Ayrton Domino for John Mayer tour

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