Aktuelle News & Schlagzeilen

Astera NYX Bulbs for Indigo Teatro production in Malaga

Spanish lighting designer Antonio Arrabal (AAI, Lighting Designers Association of Spain) used Astera NYX Bulbs to illuminate a series of scenic spheres that were an integral narrative element of the Indigo Teatro company’s latest production, “Viaje al Planeta de Todo es Posible”, which premiered at the Cánovas Theatre in Malaga. The Spanish distributor is Earpro&EES.


The production, aimed at children aged between 5 and 12, was created by Indigo Teatro’s artistic director Celia Almohalla with whom Arrabal collaborated closely on evolving the show aesthetic, together with set designer Isabel Soto.


Lighting plays a fundamental and strategic role in the storytelling, dramaturgy and impact of the work which is set on a different planet. The performance space is transformed into a magical and mysterious environment, with lighting creating different moods and textures.


One of the narrative threads requires the characters to interact with fifteen magical spheres which needed lighting for their leading role in the drama. The spheres are a variety of different sizes, some are larger at around 25 cm and are part of the set pieces, while others are slightly smaller, about 15 cm in diameter, and these are carried and moved around by the cast.


The spheres are used constantly throughout the show and interact with the action by changing colour or intensity or blinking as if talking and communicating with each other. They are controlled via the lighting console receiving the CRMX signal from the AsteraBox.


It was the first time that Arrabal had used NYX Bulbs, and he says programming them to be part of the show magic was some challenge. “We are talking more than 200 main cues that interact with about twenty cue lists with between five and twenty-five cues each, plus effects that bring the spheres to life”, he explains. The NYX Bulbs are present throughout the entire hour-long show, together with several conventional luminaires and twelve moving heads.


Part drama, part musical, “Viaje al Planeta de Todo es Posible” was nominated and a finalist entry at the Lorca Awards 2022 for Best Lighting and Set Design.


(Photos: Salvador Blanco/Alex Martin)




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