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Spot-Light invests in Robe MegaPointes, Tarrantulas and Esprites
Auckland, New Zealand-based lighting live show and event rental company Spot-Light Systems - now part of the NEP Live Group - has continued to invest in Robe moving lights as the country emerged from the pandemic, adding 24 x MegaPointes, 12 x Tarrantulas to their existing fleets, and for the first time, 20 x Esprites joined the inventory.
With nearly 400 Robe moving lights already onboard, Spot-Light Systems returned to the brand for a multipurpose LED profile type fixture, settling on the Esprites to join the mix of Robe BMFL Spots, BMFL Blades, MegaPointes, Tarrantulas, LEDWash 600s and LEDBeam 100s and 150s.
It is currently the largest concentration of Robe moving lights in the country. The Esprites were ordered quite soon after the acquisition of Spot-Light Systems by NEP Live. The mother company also owns broadcast lighting and video rental specialist Big Picture, which also has Robe moving lights in stock.
Pictured (left to right): Lighting technician Asbjorn Hemmingsen, project manager Ben Cooper, workshop manager Mike Skinner and head of lighting production, Matthew Tong. (Photo: Louise Stickland/Paul Clarke)
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