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Epik High on tour with Chauvet fixtures
South Korean hip-hop trio Epik High recently concluded their global “All Time High” tour, which featured a lighting design by Julien Reux. “My biggest challenge was protecting my ears from the sound of the fans around me”, laughs Aaron Sweatt, the LD and main programmer on the tour. “The emotional connection between these artists and their fans is really very remarkable.”
Given this connection, Reux, of Black Lantern Creative, made sure to include ample options for audience lighting in the rig he designed by beefing it up with 24 Chauvet Professional Strike Array 2 fixtures, positioned behind a blow-through video wall. This arrangement was useful in helping the show to start out small and end with a flourish. “I wanted to reveal the Strike Arrays in a big way that the audience wouldn’t see them while waiting for the artists to go on”, says Sweatt. “Instead, we decided to use them around the halfway mark when the energy started to escalate.”
Music was the overriding consideration when selecting colors. “For me, color choice has always been something I felt inspired to do when hearing the song. This is more important than trying to connect or tie it back to artwork from the artist”, says Sweatt. “When I hear a song, a color palette immediately comes to mind - and that’s where the programming for each song lands. When songs are bright and upbeat, I love rolling with CMY looks.”
Video content was created by video director Eddie Perez, who worked alongside production manager Jesse Mancillas and L2 Jacob Wick on this tour.
(Photos: Chauvet Professional)
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