Aktuelle News & Schlagzeilen

Chameleon chooses Chauvet for Lake Festival

The recent Lake Festival in Serbia encompassed a diverse mix of artists from Europe and USA. Lighting designer Andelko Popic and team at Chameleon Rental opted to reflect the spirit of the three-day event by building their production design around three concentric circles that expanded outward from the stage’s center.


This arrangement gave designers the freedom to create widely different settings for the festival’s various acts, allowing them to move from the intimate, when almost all light came from the smaller center sphere, to the more elaborate, when crossing beam patterns from fixtures on different circles created complex patterns. The Chameleon Rental team anchored their rig with 88 Chauvet Professional fixtures from their company’s own inventory.


Playing a key role in this rig were the eight Rogue R2X Beam fixtures flown on the smaller center stage circle. Among the functions that these 231-watt beams were used for at the festival was to create a ring of light around those artists who performed under the circular truss.


A collection of six other R2X Beam units were also on the rig, positioned on the two larger outer circles. Drawing on the one degree beam angle and intense output (134,000 lux at 15 meters) of these movers, the designers were able to animate the entire festival site with some dramatic aerial effects.


Joining the Rogue R2X Beams on the outer circles were twelve Maverick MK1 Spot fixtures, five of which were positioned on the second truss and used for downlighting, while the remained joined in creating aerial effects. Also on the outer circles were 22 Maverick MK2 Wash units, which were used for stage and crowd washing.


To engage fans further, the designers used four Strike 4 fixtures, flown across upstage horizontal truss. Providing bold colorful backgrounds to the down lighting from the overhead fixtures were six Colorado PXL bar fixtures arranged across the upstage deck.


(Photos: Chauvet Professional/PeX)




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