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Crt Birsa turns to Robe for Perpetuum Jazzile video shoot

Crt Birsa from Slovenian design studio Blackout recently utilised Robe moving lights to realise the lighting aesthetic wanted by Slovenian vocal orchestra Perpetuum Jazzile for a video shoot in Ljubljana.


This video shoot was directed by Rok Maver and took place in the new VPK Mediapark “Media Centre” nightclub in Ljubljana which has just opened. The Robe elements were 16 x Fortes, 28 x MegaPointes and 22 Spiiders, all supplied by Ljubljana based rental company Intralite - who just invested in Fortes at the start of the summer which were delivered by Robe’s Slovenian distributor MK Light Sound.


These were all rigged quite closely together on three overhead house trusses and the deck which boosted the intensity and drama of the lighting in relation to the camera angles. Birsa also used thirty-six LED strobes on the rig. He was booked to light the video shoot, but the exact date and venue were not decided until the week before, so he prepared a “base” design anyway, planned around Perpetuum Jazzile’s standard lighting rider, plus forty percent additional lighting for the floor and sides.


Birsa was working directly for the band, who were recording videos for two songs. One a medley of classical pieces and the other a cover of the Nirvana anthem “Spells Like Teen Spirit”. The thirty-six singers were set up on the bare stage in a block, standing on four levels of orchestra risers.


“I added the ten MegaPointes per side on the floor to effectively connect lighting together from all corners and angles”, explains Birsa. “But just those twenty MegaPointes alone could produce some brilliant looks.” These included darting intense shafts of light and texturing onto the floor in between the singers, which, together with the wide pulses of light from the strobes, brought a three-dimensional feel to the space.


Eight of the remaining MegaPointes were on the floor on cases at the back behind the band with the Fortes and Spiiders above. Eight Spiiders were used for key lighting all the singers, and another fourteen Spiiders were rigged, seven each, on the two back trusses. The sixteen Fortes were rigged on the two back trusses and used as the main upstage lights.


The video shoot involved two cameras. The stark, fast-cut, highly animated “Teen Spirit” video flips between monochrome and red with the lighting playing an essential part. The recording preceded a series of four sold-out 40th anniversary shows by Perpetuum Jazzile at Ljubljana’s Cankerjev Dom at the end of October 2023.


(Photos: Crt Birsa/Blackout)




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