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Ed Warren serves up dramatic looks for The Last Dinner Party with ChamSys

Ed Warren designed the lighting for British glam rock/art rock quintet The Last Dinner Party’s recent European tour. The show featured a backdrop adorned with a crescent moon and velvety clouds. It was hand painted by artists Beth Quinton, then scanned and digitally printed on to cloth with a definition so fine that it looks like a highly textured hand painted work.


Warren accented this backdrop with a variety of lighting effects that shaded the image it projected. At other times, he blocked it out altogether with outpourings of light. “Just because a backdrop is there doesn’t mean you need to light it the whole time”, he observes. “A blackout moment is good to change the dynamics and stage depth within the show. Then when the backdrop is lit again next time it pops even more.”


Warren programmed his design on various ChamSys setups, mostly at his studio on his MagicQ MQ250M Stadium Console. “Sometimes, I programmed at other show venues where I had a desk in front of me with a bit of spare time, as well as on long haul flights on my laptop”, he shares.


Franki McDade was running Warren’s show live on tour using the ChamSys MagicQ MQ500M Stadium Console. She states that the Group Cues feature of her console were particularly important on the tour, as there were four variations of the rig for different sized venues.


Before this tour, McDade hadn’t worked with a ChamSys console in quite some time. “Everyone at ChamSys was really supportive in getting Franki back into the swing of things”, says Warren. “Early on, I sent her the show file and Visualiser in advance for her to get her head into things. Then a couple of days before the tour started, she spent two days at ChamSys in Southampton where they set everything up for her and walked her through all the new features such as Group Cues, FX Palettes and the Timeline.”


“Given the theatrical nature of the band, spotlighting played a big role in the show”, adds Warren. “The lead singer (Abigal Morris) rarely stays in one place, so it’s important to pick her out wherever she is.”


(Photos: Luke Dyson)




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