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Østre Gasværk adds DiGiCo Quantum 7T to TheatreMax system
Østre Gasværk is a theatrical venue in Copenhagen that opened in 1979 on the site of a redundant gas works and is housed within the old gas tank. Its giant cylindrical shape makes it a place to stage the musicals and theatrical events that Østre Gasværk is known for. For the programming and rehearsal process, the theatre was recently equipped with a new DiGiCo Quantum 7T console at the front-of-house position.
“We needed a desk that could handle the sort of shows we are doing at the theatre, both with processing and channel count”, says Morten Frank, Head of Sound and board operator for its latest musical “Urine Town”, which features a large cast and live band. “The greatest add-on to that was the Theatre software, it’s been a real game-changer and makes it a lot easier to work with the new Theatre Max system.”
TheatreMax is an immersive, integrated system that allows sound, video, and lighting designers to use the entire space as a blank canvas. Speakers are placed throughout the venue, completely surrounding the audience. Acoustic dampening is also used beyond the lighting rigs to acoustically soften the cavernous roof space. Having a mixing desk that can cope with the increased input and outputs for this system was key for Frank during the programming stages of opening “Urine Town”.
The DiGiCo Theatre software allows greater flexibility and the tracking of cast members with key features like Live Update. This feature allows engineers to react to character changes, such as understudies coming on, or dance and singing tracks changing for ensemble members by rippling changes through the whole cue-stack. It retains all effects that apply for that channel until Live Update is removed.
(Photos: Nalle Magnusson)
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